GYMCERT along with the USA Gymnastics University believes that the certification of gymnastics coaches through the GYMCERT System will produce the following favorable outcomes:
- Provide a better and safer environment for gymnastics athletes.
- Raise the standard of gymnastics coaches though out the USA.
- Provide accountability of gymnastic coaches and gyms.
- Lower the risk for insurance companies/carriers and thus lowering the liability insurance rates for gym club owners, recreational programs. YMCA's, USAIGC member clubs, USAG member clubs and other programs that offer gymnastics instruction.
- Cost savings for club owners by providing discounted rates offered through Snyder Insurance Agency, Ray Snyder Provides discounted insurance to GYMCERT Certified coaches and their gym owners). Contact S.I.S for more information.
- Give club owners some comfort in knowing that coaches with certifications from GYMCERT have taken courses toward continuing education in the field of gymnastics training and safety.
By providing the automated certification course via web-based training, coaches can obtain course materials, instruction, and may take the exams at their convenience and at their own pace. This saves everyone time and money that would have been spent taking time away from the gym, traveling to a seminar site, renting the venue, printing course materials, and hiring seminar leaders. More people will have access to the information as long as they have computer access with Internet connection. If the individual coach or their gym doesn't have this technology, every library has this technology available.
Every GYMCERT Certified coach must recertify every 10 years for Womens Artistics Levels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and Safety Basics. This process ensures the standard of coaching stays consistent and allows for GYMCERT to deliver updates on new developments, ideas, trends and training tips that may evolve over time in gymnastics and safety awareness for the coaches of our sport.
It depends on your membership status with Gymcert. First you must register, pay for the course, and take your first web-based training course and test. Courses are offered for Women's Artistic Levels 1, 2 & 3. You may study the manuals and Web Based Training materials for as long as you like. You will be able to take the examination as many times as it takes in order to learn that particular levels information. You will also be given the opportuity to take "Practice Test" so that you can test your knowledge by chapters so that you might be able to become familiar with the testing process.
Level 1 with test is $49., Level 2 with test $49 and Level 3 is $49. If you purchase all three Levels a discounted rate of $105. is offered.
When you purchase a specific level, your knowledge will automatically be tested before you are allowed to enter the WBT or Manaul sections of GYMCERT, we do this for a few reasons. One, being to help you become familiar with our testing process and two, aiding you by identifying your particular strengths and weaknesses within a chapter/section.
Every coach must be recertify every 10 years from their last certification and 4 years for Safety Basics.
Click here to view and take the practice test.
All coaches listed on this website are certified. A master coach has coached an athlete in the World Championships or Olympic arena. Proof of coaching level will be necessary along with the name of the athlete coached and the year you were credentialed as their coach You must have attended in the official capacity as their coach and represented a club that sent you.
Yes, group rates are available for club owners to certify their staff members. Please contact us for more information on how we can meet your specific needs.
You must be 14 years old to take a course and receive certification. Those between the ages of 14-17 receive a Jr. Coach status when successfully completing the test at the end of the intended course. Jr. Coaches work with the guidance of mentoring coaches and certification is encouraged for the best experience. A parent or guardian's credit card information is required to register for a class or to purchase other items from the store.
Feel free to email us and we will be more than happy to answer any of your questions. Click here for contact information.
Gymcert encourages and recommends a background check be done on all new potential employment candidates.
The following links offer background checks for a fee:

Bela Karolyi
4 Time USA Olympic Coach and past Romanian Olympic Coach
"Education is the solid foundation for Future Champions to come, and I support education at all levels! The Gymcert Program is a GREAT PROJECT, Congratulations and Good Luck!"
GymCert courses were written and intended to be used as a guide only. The publisher and authors are not engaged in the profession of rendering any form of legal, technical, or medical advice. If for any reason legal, technical or medical advice is necessary, you should seek out qualified professionals. When in question always seek out the advice of your gymnastics mentor(s).
The purpose of GymCert is to help educate and acquaint individuals with basic gymnastics technique, including conditioning, to obtain the basic gymnastics skills. GymCert does not cover the transitions between skills and other routine elements. Specific changes may be made to the USA Gymnastics compulsory elements from time to time and the reader is advised to confirm the specific skills with a qualified gymnastics coach. Every effort has been made to provide complete and accurate information on this subject. Readers of GymCert manuals and courses are strongly advised to obtain complete compulsory routine information for the level specified through USAG (USA Gymnastics) as we offer drills and skills only to help in the process of learning the skills.
The authors, USACC, and GYMCERT shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the information contained in GymCert courses or manuals. Reading a book does not qualify you to be a qualified gymnastics instructor. It takes much more than reading to become proficient and knowledgeable. Practice, Time and Experience is important and one should partake in a type of Apprenticeship Program to gain needed experience in the gymnastics work place and to practice your spotting skills and techniques. There are many local, state and regional USA Gymnastics Congresses available and GymCert strongly recommends beginner as well as experienced coaches to continue to better their knowledge base by attending as many as possible.
Special Notice
Any activity in life from taking a bath, to playing baseball, even to having fun on the playground all carry varying degrees of risk for potential injury. A fall from the Jungle Gym, being hit with a bat or ball, or a slip and fall getting out of the bathtub may cause serious injury. In gymnastics, there is also the potential for significant injury, especially so when an instructor is not qualified through lack of knowledge or experience.
The instructor must have the ability to:
- adapt gymnastics technique to the size, weight, and fitness level of each gymnast;
- provide adequate supervision for the activity;
- be capable of spotting the skill;
- supply appropriate lesson plans using effective skill progressions;
- keep adequate records; and,
- be able to adequately warn each gymnast of the dangers inherent in each of the skills she attempts,
- while developing in the gymnast a motivated, positive outlook on skill acquisition.
The key to success for the gymnastics instructor is patience, a desire to learn, and mentoring from another more accomplished coach, which can happen in your gym or at seminars and clinics.
The techniques presented in GymCert courses or manuals are based on one "average" (in size, shape, and fitness level) gymnast. While the techniques presented may work adequately for this fictitious gymnast, they may not work as well for the slightly overweight and less physically fit gymnast. You, the instructor, will have to adapt the technique to safely fit the gymnast.
That being the case, the author and publisher of this book must warn you that responsibility for the use and/or adaptation of these ideas, guidelines, and techniques are the sole responsibility of the instructor employing them to teach a skill.
The materials contained in this reference are to be used to provide a base level of knowledge about gymnastics skills, equipment, and safety training. It is strongly advised that you seek advanced / qualified coaches within your program to mentor you and guide you in developing gymnastics technique, spotting skills, and training methods. When in doubt, always check it out with your mentor first.